
Showing posts from 2018


It’ll come with time  One morning you’ll wake and feel the need to change Listen to your body  Give it all the love you possibly can because it’s the only thing you can truly hold tight every night  Life will bring change and send us through some crazy times   But in each situation  Each day  Put yourself first   Love yourself first And the world shall follow closely behind ready to catch you


Wake up and make magic  Open your eyes To the droplets of water on a winters dawn  To the sun kisses between the leaves  To the breath inside your lungs escaping to the clouds Each day you have the choice to tune into the rhythm of life, to the beauty that circles your every movement  As an individual you have the choice to say ‘YES’ to today Wake with the phrase ‘I am beautiful’, ‘I will make magic happen’ Live life with this phrase on repeat and you will  attract  the reality that you possess outwards to your surroundings 


We live in a world, a world with strict guidelines.  Rules only to impress the soul centre of society.   We are driven like seaweed in an ocean current.  Sent to live in endless concrete streets. Working for money, for paper notes in our back pockets.   Driven by consumerism. We are spending too much time on peripheral surfaces, not acknowledging the little beauties in life. No longer making visits to our close friends, rather just texting them on a daily basis. Nor are we catching up to blast our favourite album.  See the beauty in nature,  in silence, i n the smiles of those around you.   Let the rhythm of live music replace your heart beat. Don’t live in fear. Make mistakes that will only become the best of memories. To unleash a life bound of freedom stop what is making you unhappy,  spend time for yourself and rule out the negatives.   Remove the toxic people who are denaturing your essence.  Stop li...


Our brains are connected to this world through our eyes, and our eyes connected to our soul. We all see this world through different lenses. Some see beauty in money, while others see beauty in a homeless man’s smile. Some see this world as a prison, living off the negatives. Whilst others have broken free from the jail bars and wake each day to seek sunlight. It's strange how one world can be seen so differently and how everyone has their own thoughts every single second, but we rarely seek to share what our amazing brains are creating. Take a little glimpse into the mind of another and seek artistry in each and every bubble of thought


Disconnect sometimes, unplug from all your responsibilities, take a random trip and watch the sun fall beneath the horizon


As humans we are all different, sharing opposing passions and desires. But what we share is time, and the presence of now. A time to create unity, happiness and adventure in our hearts. Don’t wait for the right moment to change, to make action and follow a dream, for the time that passes is the time wasted on perfection. Don’t wait, be here, act now and create a world of happiness for all.


As humans, we seem to be in a rush for a false version of success, seeing away the NOW as we stress upon our tomorrows. We are rushing to receive acceptance. Whether that be putting forwards a distant aura that does not belong to you, so you can feel accepted, not from within but throughout society. We may be rushing to be ‘qualified’ in order to place ourselves in a higher ranking of unconsciousness. Or waking each day to gain money rather than gaining happiness. When we strive for a so called ‘societal success’ we are failing ourselves for who we truly are. We are moving without reflection, acting without compassion and foreseeing the beauty of where we are here and now. We forget our blessings, we forget our purpose, we forget the true feeling of happiness and peace. But most of all we forget our being. Don’t lose yourself in normalities


Recently I have been drawing till dusk turns to darkness, till the white pages on my book fade away. I use this time to let my creations flow. With a pen in my hand and Matt Corby playing through my head phones I feel at home, not as a destination but a place within myself. Time alone isn’t a time of loneliness, but I time to be with yourself, to clarify and create. 


The smile on my face is a burning flame, so bright and contagious that not even the heaviest downpour could erase its capacity to grow. Held within it are perfect strangers, the lessons of gratitude and self-appreciation, an eager mind and a soul that will never cease to search and gain blessed knowledge from each and every situation I am placed within.  This fiery flame on my face us causing my body to dance with excitement and my heart to crave those back home.  When I call across the country I can picture myself sitting in the local cafĂ© talking complete smack, picking my sister up from school, waking to sunshine beaming through my windows, jamming around the fire on a Friday night, picking veggies and cooking up a storm, spending countless hours on my bedroom floor painting with records crackling in the background. But most deeply I feel the lust to return home. I am forever grateful to everyone I have met, all the wild adventures I’ve been on, all the hours s...


There is a storm in your mind that is thundering down on you. You feel trapped, as though it may never pass, as if you are lost in the middle of an unknown place with a heavy downpour on your shoulders. But my friend, it is beautiful outside and I can see the bright rays of sun beaming from your eyes, and your smile when you laugh.  This storm does not define you but is rather your ego feeding off your negative thoughts. As long as you tell yourself “I am not worthy”, and “I am not beautiful” this storm shall only grow fiercer.  Storms are created by conflict in warm and cool winds, just like that between positive and negative thoughts. But the strongest fight belongs between your ego and your consciousness, your sun and your rain.  This storm shall pass, and the rain shall cause you to blossom and grow in your Being and happiness. But you must send the warmer winds, you must seek the sunshine in your situations and you must overcome the intense pain caused by ...


The world is busy, but the streets are quiet, and whilst people are acting obnoxious, they remain speechless towards tragedy at hand. And whilst nature shines with so much beauty, society fails to seek it, conforming the followers to live through repetition, mirroring their surroundings. And whilst the night sky shines deep with stars, the oceans rumble, and the clouds grow heavy.  With each new day comes the power to face a difference, to open our eyes to a vision of our own, for our feet to follow vacant roads, for our hands to open to forgiveness, for our lungs to breathe with creativity and our minds to search for passion. 


It’s just a feeling that crashes over me, not drowning nor painful, but rather cleansing and gentle, yet asking for more. Wanting me to change, to take a step into the unknown, or just immerse my being into a new horizon. I can feel by body become attached to a force and I must seek grounding. My body is at utter purity and I feel humble within my skin, for next time I connect with myself I shall be drawn to new experiences, attracted to the dynamics of my true being. This sense of balance has an energy field pulling me near. Read your body and reach for what it asks for, whether it be company in a gorgeous cafĂ© or complete silence in a forest. Don’t forget about this balance, for it helps you achieve and embark on each new day with an open soul and a humble heart. Make the most of what you are and never lose touch of what your body desires; this is  self-therapy.  


Zone out from the world from time to time and spend your hours restoring your energy. Let go of the people, the trees above you and the objects that comfort you and your life. Feel elevated without a burden. Regenerate and gather your grounding to this earth, for it is now that you can walk with purpose, take precious memories and leave behind footprints of true beauty.  


Take a walk to the ocean side, plant your feet and let the shoreline rush through your toes. Don’t be afraid of the change in current or the unknown of the vast blue surrounding the horizon, for it is here that the sun shall rise in tomorrow’s haze. It is this space between comfort and fear that you shall grow into the future, leaving behind the ghost of yesterday.


Sun rays flashing through the trees Still water Waterfalls crashing below The smell of rain The smell of the Australian bush Floating over waves Feeling cleansed by a sunset Crystal blues skies Freezing nights looking at stars Smiles from the homeless Watercolour flowing over paper Telluric record and a candle Dads curly eyebrows and tipsy guitar solos Mums chooky hair when she wakes up My sisters cheeky little turn away smile Friends that text you out of the blue Writing on blank paper Sunlight behind glass The crackle of fire When flowers are in blossom The hugs when you feel it Letting the bath run out and lying there to dry, freezing cold, cleansed Acoustic guitars late at night


Be the creator Be the moon shinning through the clouds Be the first watermelon cloud in an early sunrise Be the fresh air at a mountain peak  Let go  …and just be Be you In the purest of forms