There is a storm in your mind that is thundering down on you. You feel trapped, as though it may never pass, as if you are lost in the middle of an unknown place with a heavy downpour on your shoulders. But my friend, it is beautiful outside and I can see the bright rays of sun beaming from your eyes, and your smile when you laugh.
This storm does not define you but is rather your ego feeding off your negative thoughts. As long as you tell yourself “I am not worthy”, and “I am not beautiful” this storm shall only grow fiercer.
Storms are created by conflict in warm and cool winds, just like that between positive and negative thoughts. But the strongest fight belongs between your ego and your consciousness, your sun and your rain.
This storm shall pass, and the rain shall cause you to blossom and grow in your Being and happiness. But you must send the warmer winds, you must seek the sunshine in your situations and you must overcome the intense pain caused by your ego. It is not who you are, only who you tell yourself you are.
It is time for the winter snow to melt, for the ice-cold water to flow downstream. For the rain to soak into the soil and the flowers feed amongst the beaming rays. It is time for you to grow stronger than your emotions, to respect your situation and only grow from your past. Be free, let go of your egoic mind and feel your feet run wild in this world.
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