The smile on my face is a burning flame, so bright and contagious that not even the heaviest downpour could erase its capacity to grow. Held within it are perfect strangers, the lessons of gratitude and self-appreciation, an eager mind and a soul that will never cease to search and gain blessed knowledge from each and every situation I am placed within.
This fiery flame on my face us causing my body to dance with excitement and my heart to crave those back home.
When I call across the country I can picture myself sitting in the local café talking complete smack, picking my sister up from school, waking to sunshine beaming through my windows, jamming around the fire on a Friday night, picking veggies and cooking up a storm, spending countless hours on my bedroom floor painting with records crackling in the background. But most deeply I feel the lust to return home.
I am forever grateful to everyone I have met, all the wild adventures I’ve been on, all the hours sitting a bus stops in 35-degree heat, to all the growth within myself, to lifetime friendships, to times of feeling completely lost and to the places that offered a sense of home. To drunken nights and beachbound days, to 14-hour bus rides and the cheapest accommodation we could find. To everything that has brought be here today, a huge thank you.
This is the flame of travel.
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